Humans have tried to improve on what nature has to offer time and time again. Thankfully, we’re seeing a trend that swings back to nature's best offerings. There is a reason why Hawaiians call coconut water “Dew from the Heavens.” Coconut water, milk, and oil have been the source of countless holistic treatments ranging from antibacterial, combating cancer, kidney stone prevention, treatment for hangovers, and anti-aging. This article is focused solely on what coconut water can do for you. The water is found and harvested from the younger green coconuts. As the coconut matures it turns yellow then brown and the water is absorbed into the meat, leaving the middle cavity dry.
1. Electrolyte Replacement - For Athletes, Hangovers, and Viruses
“Fresh unpasteurized coconut water is nature’s best electrolyte replacement. Drinking fresh water is important because the coconut water that has been mass produced is required to be pasteurized which will pasteurize out most of it’s benefits.” Dr. Cynthia Preston (Naturopathic Doctor). Coconut water has less calories, sugar, and sodium and more potassium than a sports drink. It also doesn’t have any chemicals unlike it’s counterpart. Professional tennis player John Isner swears by the stuff, “It is super hydrating and has kept me going in long matches and prevented me from cramping even in the hottest and most humid conditions.” Most Americans don’t get enough potassium in their diets since they don’t eat enough fruits and veggies so coconut water helps satisfy that need.
2. Prevents and Treats Heat Exhaustion
Whether you're feeling the early signs of heat exhaustion such as: headache, fatigue, and irritability or have full blown heat stroke, coconut water should be in your treatment arsenal. Replenish vital fluid loss and dehydration while simultaneously restoring electrolyte balance. Potassium is vitally important and often under-appreciated. In fact, in other countries they administer coconut water intravenously to treat dehydration and heat stroke. Coconut water is sterile when sourced straight from the shell and has a similar composition to human blood plasma.
Your levels of sodium and potassium act as a pump that powers your muscles, including your heart. If one level is off, the system won't function properly. I’m sure you've been told to eat a banana when you've had muscle cramps. That’s because bananas are high in potassium. what your parents and friends should've been telling you to do all this time is drink coconut water because one serving has more than 4x the potassium that’s found in a banana.
3. Healthy Fats that Lower Your Blood Pressure
A recent study showed that 71% of those who drank coconut water lowered their blood pressure! The high potassium, magnesium and arginine are to thank. An increase in potassium and magnesium has been shown to decrease blood pressure and amino acid. Arginine lowers your blood pressure by ever so slightly dilating your arteries.
4. Anti-aging
Coconut water provides a healthy dose of cytokinins (plant hormones). Cytokinins are known to have properties that fight cancer, aging, and blood clots. The plant hormones regulate the growth, development, and aging of a plant and therefore have been found to slow down the aging of cells in humans.
When it comes to pH in the body, most Americans are perpetually acidic. The alkalizing effect of coconut water helps reduce the acid level in your body which can keep bacteria at bay. It’s also found to enhance your skin health through repairing elasticity, age spots, and wrinkles in addition to improving your ability to heal wounds. The vitamins and minerals have also been shown to enhance eye health such as cataract and glaucoma.
5. Energy Powerhouse
This deceptively clear liquid is packed with amino acids, minerals, electrolytes, and digestive enzymes. It even has the elusive B vitamins that have been proven to increase your energy levels. This high octane fuel has been used by professional athletes around the world to keep them going in marathons, bike races, tennis matches, ultra races and more. Many have shared they add a touch of sea salt, others add a scoop of protein powder to turn it into a recovery drink.
Regardless of your activity, alcoholic intake, health, or pH level, coconut water has gifts for your body. If you live in an area with coconut palms and you’re not taking advantage, you’re aging unnecessarily! You can find trimmed young coconuts at many healthful stores across the globe. It's important to consume it from the shell because nutritional value is lost after cracking it open and because in the US they pasteurize and kill these essential nutrients. Accessing the coconut can be tough, but with a drill, or this hand device you can easy make a hole big enough for a straw or to pour into a glass or blender. Enjoy!